
BMA Coal Terminal

BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) sought out McElligotts to perform repairs to concrete kentledge beams on berth two at the BMA Hay Point Coal Loading Facility in North Queensland.

The BMA Hay Point Coal Loading Facility is an important asset of Queensland Coal, and is a central loading point for the seven mines that BMA operate in North Queensland. As part of the remedial works, McElligotts were able to perform repairs using our own comprehensive Quality Management System, which was conveniently already in use onsite. During the project, McElligotts worked closely with consulting concrete engineering company Infracorr to develop and manage the Quality Management System over the 18-month duration of the project.

Hays Point Coal Loader

The scope of this project included:

  • Remove 150mm of concrete from the underside of the kentledge beams without damaging the steel reinforcing
  • Repair corroded reinforcing
  • Reinstate the removed concrete using dry concrete spray processes
  • Application of a hybrid cathodic protection system

This project is particularly significant for McElligotts because we were able to work cohesively with the client, engineers and suppliers to provide a safer workplace with a higher production rate and to a higher standard than what had ever previously been used on site.